St.John's NL, we need The Trap,Neuter,Return Program for our Feral Cat Community

  • van: Rhonda Coleman
  • ontvanger: Mayor Dennis O'Keefe, Deputy Mayor Ron Ellsworth & City Council Members

Trap-Neuter-Return is successfully practiced in hundreds of communities and in every landscape and setting. It is exactly what it sounds like: Cats are humanely trapped and taken to a veterinarian to be spayed or neutered and vaccinated. After recovery, the cats are returned to their home—their colony—outdoors. Kittens and cats who are friendly and socialized to people may be adopted into homes.
Grounded in science, TNR stops the breeding cycle of cats and therefore improves their lives while preventing reproduction. It is a fact that the removal and killing of outdoor cats that animal control has been pursuing for decades is never ending and futile.

Please help support this cause by signing and sharing this petition!

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