Bring Persona 5 Royal back to Xbox Game Pass

This is kinda a stupid issue but I feel that the decision Atlus and Microsoft made to remove the 2022 rerelease of the 2020 game Persona 5 Royal of Xbox game pass was a bad decision. I think this because Atlus is releasing a new spinoff game in the world of Persona 5 called Persona 5 Tactica and it's available on game pass when it releases. They also decided to remove Persona 5 Royal instead of Persona 3 Portable even though Persona 3 is getting another remastered version released later this year called Persona 3 Reload. They decided to keep Persona 3 Portable instead of Persona 5 Royal even though a better version of Persona 3 will be released on Xbox game pass. I also think this might hurt the sales of Persona 5 Tactica slightly since gamepass is where many people experience new games and to fully understand the story of Persona 5 Tactica you would have to play Persona 5 or Persona 5 Royal which only Persona 5 Royal is available on Xbox. Those are the reasons why I want to see my personal favorite game, Persona 5 Royal, added back to Xbox game pass.

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