Lift Ban on Animal Charities Fundraising at Dunnes Stores

  • van: Animal lovers
  • ontvanger: Frank Dunne, Margaret Heffernan, Michael Heffernan, Dick Reeves, John McNiffe

Dunnes Stores has placed a ban on all animal charities in Ireland holding door collections and bag packing events at their stores nationwide.  This is unacceptable and discriminatory towards animal charities who do such amazing work and regularly pick up dogs and cats from Dunnes Stores carparks where they have been abandoned.  It is also unacceptable to all animal lovers and the ban needs to be lifted immediately.

Dear Sirs/Madam,

We, the undersigned, call on you in the strongest possible terms to lift the current ban on animal charities holding door collections and bagpacking events at Dunnes Stores in Ireland.  It is discriminatory to animal charities to single them out and place this unacceptable ban on their fundraising efforts.  

Animal charities throughout Ireland help many thousands of voiceless, defenceless and innocent cats, dogs, horses, donkeys, farm animals and wildlife every year who are the victims of cruelty, neglect, abandonment or are stray, lost or unwanted.  Indeed many cats and dogs are picked up from Dunnes Stores carparks nationwide where they have been abandoned. Animal charities can only carry out this very necessary work if funding is available.  

We urge you to rethink this ban and lift it immediately as otherwise we will have no choice but to boycott Dunnes Stores and take our business elsewhere.  

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