Australia! Help save the islands of the Pacific Ocean from being lost due to climate change

  • van: Georgina B.
  • ontvanger: Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott

People from islands around the Pacific Ocean are desperate for Australia to address climate change.

The islands of the Pacific Ocean are at risk from rising ocean levels - so they are calling on Australia, one of the world's biggest coal exporters, to stop mining and exporting coal.

Coal, a fossil fuel, releases greenhouse gasses that lead to global warming, which in turn melts the ice caps - leading to rising ocean levels.

A group of young Pacific Islanders representing 13 countries have been protesting at one of Australia's biggest coal ports near Newcastle, calling on Australia to take action now.

A member of the group from Fiji said he had already seen villagers displaced by rising sea levels.

Without action, the islanders fear the future generations may lose their ancestral homes.

The islanders of the Pacific should not have to lose their homes because of the unsustainable industries of other countries.

Please sign and share the petition to demand Australia takes action on climate change to help save the islands of the Pacific Ocean.

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