ANTHEMS: The Concert is the brand new, specially created, live version of Anthems, the stunning Kerry Ellis hit debut album produced by Brian May. This live concert brings together West End and Broadway singing sensation Kerry Ellis (We Will Rock You, Wicked, Chess in Concert and Oliver!) and legendary Queen star Brian May in their first full-length performance.

For this unique production, Kerry Ellis and Brian May will perform live all of the acclaimed Anthems album, including May's special rock-orchestral settings of songs which Kerry has made her own, and new material, including songs written especially for Kerry.

The Tour, starting on 1st May in London at Royal Albert Hall with a Charity sold-out performance, is actually scheduled to take place in UK only, for other 12 dates.

We in the community, believe that there are legions of non-UK European fans yearning for this amazing Show to take place in their Countries too! If You are one of them, please sign this petition!

Our aim is to reach as much signatures as possible, at least 500.000, so it will be clear to Brian May and Kerry Ellis that they can absolutely rely on such a big audience all over Europe, and maybe they%uFFFDll decide to extend the "ANTHEMS: The Concert" Tour even in your Country too!!!

Thank you folks,


Alberto Pezzi

We the undersigned,
as lovers of your amazing music ask You to extend the "Anthems: The Concert" Tour all over Europe.

Thank You
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