Tigers Belong in the Wild- NOT at Nightclubs!

On September 7, 2012, for an event at a nightclub, ("Where the Wild Things Are"),  AJA Channelside in Tampa, Florida, rented two caged tigers locked in a small transport cage from animal exploiter Vernon Yates.

Watch Video- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4-jJ5iFu1A&feature=youtu.be

The two tigers locked in the small cage were surrounded by intoxicated people and overwhelming noise, just to be used as photo props.

Please ask AJA Channelside not to participate in the exploitation of wild animals at future events.

AJA Channelside
290 South Meridian Avenue
Tampa, FL 33602
Phone: 813-373-2633
EMail: http://www.ajachannelside.com/wps/contact-us/
Website: http://www.ajachannelside.com

On September 7, 2012, for an event at a nightclub, ("Where the Wild Things Are"),  AJA Channelside in Tampa, Florida, rented two caged tigers locked in a small transport cage from animal exploiter Vernon Yates.

Watch Video- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4-jJ5iFu1A&feature=youtu.be

The two tigers locked in the small cage were surrounded by intoxicated people and overwhelming noise, just to be used as photo props.

Please ask AJA Channelside not to participate in the exploitation of wild animals at future events.

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