Demand that kids feel safe at school

    I'm demanding that every school in America be a safe place for our kids to go everyday. How many more kids need to die for everyone to open their eyes? Another shooting just happened, again in Colorado, and we need to make a stand and say WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH!! It is pathetic that as a parent now, one of the "talks" we have to have with our children are what they should do if it happens to their school and worry the second they get out of the car that it may be the last time you ever get to see them. I'm tired of hearing how everyone is going to, or how everyone has, handled the situation differently since Columbine, and what they could do next time, there shouldn't be a next time! We need to stop planning the aftermath of these horrible events and start preventing them from happening! I'm requesting that every school be equipped with metal detectors, and be armed with a police officer at all times. As a taxpayer, and a mom, I think every parent in America can agree it is a very small price to pay for something that could potentially be the reason why you get another day with your children! Help stop school violence by making school a safe place to send your children!
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    petitie tekenen
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