!!!Fight BSL!!! Punish the deed not the breed!

Are you aware that your pet can be seized and destroyed soley based on it's breed? Thousands are every year! Help stop BSL!

"We the Undersigned"

Oppose Breed Specific Legisation!!! breed-specific legislation is wrong  for many reasons. BSL provides a false sense of security, Banning breeds does not prevent dog bites. Breed bans do not address irresponsible ownership, Breed discrimination punishes good dogs for heing the "wrong breed". Breed discrimination may force good owners to surrender or even euthanize their beloved pets, Breed bans increase surrenders at shelters,Breed bans increase euthanasia rates of healthy, adoptable dogs.

 These breeds as a whole have proven their stability and good canine citizenry by becoming Search and Rescue dogs,Therapy Dogs,by working inside hospitals, and being used as professional herding and sporting dogs, as well as by serving families as faithful and sound companions for years.

Statistics and studies do not support the assertion that any one breed is dangerous.When legislation is focused on the type of dog it fails, because it is...unenforceable, confusing, and costly. Focusing legislation on dogs that are "vicious" distracts attention from the real problem, which is irresponsible owners.
We suggest that the appropriate policy should be "blame the owner, not the dog." Owners can and should take responsibility for their pets.

The legislation that is both enacted and proposed across the United States is unfair for responsible citizens and it addresses the wrong problem. Voting for and standing behind BSL only harms the law abiding responsible dog owner. We stand to loose many wonderful and valuable canines if the Breed Specific Legislation is allowed to continue.
Thank You.

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