Randy Canale's Resignation

Whereas Randy Canale has refused to uphold the contract he has decimated. Whereas he has shown no responsibility to his membership.
Whereas he is only duty bound to his board membership and United Airlines causing undo hardship on the IAM membership. We the undersigned find him derelict in his duties as IAM141 President and therefore call upon him to resign
whereas you have refused to uphold the contract you descimated. Whereas you have demonstrated that you are duty bound to your board membership on the Ual bod even though it has caused hardship to the IAM membership. Whereas you lack of integrity in appointing your like thinking vermom. We must call for your resignation. You have not been honest with the membership. You have contributed to the largest loss of jobs and benefits while protecting the huge bonuses of UAL management We call for your resignation for the good of the IAM  membership.
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