Call on prosecutors to charge FOX News for recklessly endangering the life of an abortion doctor!

  • van: OD Action
  • ontvanger: New York prosecutors

Our worst fears about the revocation of abortion rights across red states were proven true almost immediately with the horrifying news that a 10-year-old rape victim was denied an abortion and was forced to travel out of state.

As if the concentrated denial campaign by Republican politicians wasn't disgusting enough already, now they're taking aim at the doctor who performed the abortion care and putting their life in danger. On July 13th, FOX host Jesse Watters aired the name and photograph of the doctor who gave the abortion to the 10-year-old Ohio rape victim while the Indiana Attorney General announced they would be going after her instead.

Demand law enforcement charge Jesse Watters with reckless endangerment!

FOX News has done this before. Bill O'Reilly, who mentored Watters, ran 28 episodes demonizing a Kansas abortion doctor, George Tiller, back in the 90s. Tiller was shot five times in 1993 by an anti-abortion extremist and was killed by another in 2009.

It's obvious that Watters is using the same playbook here — and given the eagerness with which radical right-wing terrorists are towards using violence against the targets that FOX dangles before them, this doctor's life is in serious danger.

Call on prosecutors to charge FOX News for recklessly endangering the life of an abortion doctor!

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