Shut down/Investigate High Kill Animal Shelter in Apple Valley

This animal shelter needs to be investigated and/or shut down immediately they show no regard for animals when they have options presented to them to avoid the destruction of such animals. This shelter is in the business of killing animals not finding them homes!

Richard Marx stated in a post on Facebook that he offered to foster four innocent puppies this morning after the HIGH KILL shelter in Apple Valley, CA scheduled them to die. Within an hour the puppies were killed, despite having the option to spare them. Richard Marxs' post also states "Apple Valley kills dogs for TIME not space. Nothing short of murder". Please join me in urging Apple Valley, CA Mayor Larry Cusack to either shut down this shelter or conduct a full scale investigation, immediately. We understand shutting down the facility may not be possible due to the continued  intaking of animals, that should have no bearing on a full scale investigation done immediately!

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