Petition To U.S. Government To Protect Least Chub

  • van: Kat Mosi' Yazzie
  • ontvanger: U.S.Government Dept. of Fish & Wildlife Services
We don't want another species that blinks out.It's a native species and it's an indicator of the environmental effects out there.
U. S. Federal Government, Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Service:

We the understand are asking to have the Least Chub placed on the Endangered Species list.  One of the six populations has nearly vanished, federal officials have said. Least chub around Mona Springs %u2014 part of the Utah Lake drainage %u2014 were found in 1995 by state biologists. Since 1999, they have seen a precipitous drop because they've become a sought-after food for the nonnative mosquitofish, a fish once widely introduced to curb mosquito populations.

Federal officials in their review plan on looking at the role of nonnative species in the chub's decline. The agency also says there may not be enough regulatory mechanisms in place now to keep the species viable.

Crockett said state officials have been trying for years to save the fish, including working with private landowners who play a key role in preserving habitat. He's hoping the state can continue that even if the least chub goes on the federal endangered species list.

The Fish and Wildlife Service will come to one of three conclusions: the fish doesn't need any additional protections; that it should be listed as threatened or endangered; or that a listing is warranted but precluded because of other, higher priorities.

If it warrants listing, it could take another year before it lands on the endangered species list.
We believe  that a year is too long, and we are asking for immediate protection for the Least Chub. 
Thank you very much.
Respectfull, the undersigned:

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