Support Opening A Medical Marijuana Dispensary at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco

Help support the opening of KRINZE, a nonprofit medical marijuana dispensary, in Fisherman's Wharf at 2627 Taylor St, San Francisco!

I started this petition because a petition is claiming my business isn't "family friendly" and should not open in Fisherman's Wharf. But the fact is, medical marijuana actually helps families with members who are suffering from chronic pain or other illnesses.

I started KRINZE because my father died of cancer, and medical cannabis would have helped him. By opening this dispensary, I hope to serve residents in SF neighborhoods that do not have dispensaries. 

Fisherman's Wharf already features a slew of bars and nightclubs, so it's puzzling that my business is being attacked as not being "family friendly." It's a shame some groups are pushing back against the accessibility of a medicine that millions of families rely on to manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

KRINZE is meant to serve the residents of Telegraph Hill, North Beach, Nob Hill, Chinatown, Russian Hill, Cow Hollow and Fisherman's Wharf. Please sign my petition to support the opening of KRINZE in Fisherman's Wharf.
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