Celebrate Whidbey Island Maritime Heritage with a WA specialty license plate

  • van: Lynn Hyde
  • ontvanger: people of Washington State

To support public history education on Whidbey Island, two Coupeville nonprofits - the Whidbey Island Maritime Heritage Foundation and Historic Whidbey - have teamed up to propose a new Washington State Specialty License Plate. 

The proposed plate features Penn Cove, Mt. Baker, the 1905 Coupeville Wharf, a Coast Salish canoe, the 1925 s/v Suva, a Mosquito Fleet steamer, and a tall ship - all honoring Whidbey's many maritime vessels and traditions through the centuries.

If the application to the Legislature is approved, proceeds from the program will be evenly shared between the two sponsoring 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations. Funds will support public heritage programming on board the 1925 s/v Suva and at the 1866 Haller House in Coupeville.

As part of our application, the State requires a minimum of 3500 signatures from potential purchasers of the plate. Please help us meet that goal by signing our petition!

For more information about these organizations or the specialty license plate program, please visit www.historicwhidbey.org or www.coupevillemaritimeheritage.org

THANKS for your support!!

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