Pet Stores Are Lying About Where These “Rescue Dogs” Are Coming From

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Assembly Member Patrick O'Donnell, California State Assembly
Puppy mills are the definition of cruelty for profit. Dogs are stuffed into overcrowded cages and denied exercise, veterinary care, socialization, and love. Breeding dogs are thrown away after they can no longer reproduce, while their offspring are often so inbred that they will never live without health issues.

That's why it was so exciting when this January, California became the first state to outlaw the sale of dogs, cats or rabbits from pet stores unless the animals came from a rescue or shelter. No more partnering with puppy mills thanks to the Pet Rescue and Adoption Act! But according to the Companion Animal Protection Society (CAPS), pet stores are abusing a loophole and ignoring the law.

Will you sign the petition and use your voice to urge the California State Assembly to amend the law, making it impossible for pet stores to work with puppy mills?

Because rescue shelters are not always required to prove that they are actually rescuing their animals, puppy mills are setting up fake rescues as a front and continuing to sell to pet stores. Deborah Howard, president and founder of CAPS, calls it "blatant consumer and charity fraud." It's dishonest, illegal, and fuels the torture factories that are puppy mills.

This is unacceptable! The law was passed for a reason - to put bad breeders out of business, and to promote the rehoming of rescue animals in need. Instead, pet stores and puppy mills are conducting business as usual and lying about it.

Sign the petition today demanding an amendment to the Pet Rescue and Adoption Act to close this dangerous loophole!
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