Honduras: End Abortion Ban for Rape Victims!

Abortion laws in Honduras are notoriously strict. Unless a woman's life is in danger, abortion is a criminal act punished with jail time. Even rape victims are forced to carry their pregnancies to term or seek dangerous, black market abortions.

Sexual violence rates are high in Honduras, with rape being the most common offense. Women's rights activists estimate that 17 percent of the country's illegal abortions are sought as a result of rape.

Honduran abortion laws are outdated and endanger women's lives. Victims are forced to extend their trauma by carrying a rapist's child to term, or seek dangerous, life-threatening and illegal abortions.

Please sign the petition to urge Honduran legislators to loosen abortion restrictions and allow safe, legal abortions in cases of rape.

I am writing in hopes that you will consider loosening abortion restrictions in Honduras. Under the current laws, rape victims are forced to carry their pregnancies to term or seek dangerous, black market abortions.

Sexual violence rates are high in Honduras, with rape being the most common offense. Women's rights activists estimate that 17 percent of the country's illegal abortions are sought as a result of rape.

Honduran abortion laws are outdated and endanger women's lives. Victims are forced to extend their trauma by carrying a rapist's child to term, or seek dangerous, life-threatening and illegal abortions.

I respectfully urge you to loosen abortion restrictions and allow safe, legal abortions in cases of rape. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this petition.

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