A declaration on our concern for the companion animals in the EU.

This is question and answer petition - on our mental health in the European Member States - that we want to convey to our politicians in the EU.

Question to EU citizens:
Are your thoughts busy every day regarding the ongoing horrific abuse and suffering for many companion animals that live with bad owners or who are abandoned and unwanted in the EU?

Do you feel sick and feel mentally tired and sleep badly?

Maybe you're worried about your child's or your dog's safety if you live in a city and country with many abandoned dogs and cats? Toxic substances to kill abandoned animals, is often detected in parks and in areas where children are present.

You may also be concerned that your children, almost every day, are forced to witness cruelty to animals in your country?

Tell the EU in the petition how their indifference affects your life - and we will convey this to the politicians in EU - it is their fault and they must take responsibility over our illness - since they do nothing to change the treaties and help this excluded group of animals.

The picture shows the horrific enclosure Wojtyszki in Poland with over 3000 dogs.
Info about the stray dogs in Europe and the excluded animals

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