Urgent!! Japan is Killing Whales In a Protected Sanctuary!! They Must Be Stopped!!

Anti-whaling activists Sea Shepherd said they had zeroed in on a Japanese fleet Monday and captured evidence that four whales had been slaughtered, alleging the ships were found inside a Southern Ocean sanctuary. Sea Shepherd said it had located all five Japanese vessels and was now in pursuit, forcing the harpooners to cut short their operation and retreat.

The group released footage and photographs showing three minke whales dead on the deck of the factory ship Nisshin Maru and said a fourth, also believed to be a minke, was being slaughtered when Sea Shepherd's helicopter flew overhead.

The commercial hunting of whales is prohibited in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, which was designated by the International Whaling Commission (IWC) in 1994. This is a serious breach Of International Law.

 Japan catches the animals there under a "scientific research" loophole in the moratorium on whaling.

It is the responsibility of the International Whaling Commission to fine and arrest  the captain and fishermen on this ship.

It is the responsibility of the International Whaling Commission to fine and arrest  the captain and fishermen on this ship.Please do your job!!

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