Stop the animal abuse in china

  • van: Tarryn
  • ontvanger:,
 A first hand account of cruelty in china.

I live in Beijing China, and have seen so many disturbing and disgusting exaples of  animal cruelty, once witnessing the slaughter of a dog, in front of a dog meat restaurant, on one of the busiest streets in town, on the sidewalk, with pedestrians passing. The dog had been hung up, while alive i might add, by a hook through it's chin. Legs tied together. In one swift motion a man stabbed the dog in the neck and proceeded to slice the dog open all the way down.  An ocean of blood is the only way I could describe it. I had to turn away, and tried to leave as fast as i could, but the sounds the dog was making, the screaming, not a wail or a whimper, but screams, almost human, definately unnatural, were audible down the street, even as i tried to escape the sight, i was haunted by the sound. It was truly one of the most inhumane things I've ever seen, and one of the most traumatic.

There is no excuse. The chinese government needs to make changes now! Animals are skinned, boiled and disembowled alive. Can you imagine what it feels like to have your skin slowly ripped from your entire body and then lie in a pile of dead or half dead animals like yourself wishing for death?

There are no animal protection laws in place at all, this basically means that in china anyone can do to an animal exactly as they please, even torturing it to death would not be a problem!

We have to stand together. Stop buying any chinese products1 Put pressure on your government to stop trading with china until the animals are protected!
We the undersigned feel strongly that animal protection laws need to be put into place to protect the animals in China from the extreme cruelty the are being subjected to! the apathy of the government in this matter is disturbing to say the least. It is unacceptable to allow any person for any reason to skin an animal alive, beat it to death or hang it up by a hook through it's jaw. Take a moment and imagine the agony those creatures are in before they die.
We beg you to look into your heart and find some pity for the innocent. Please stop the suffering and abuse, they don't deserve it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this heart felt plee, we can only hope it will have some impact.
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