DEMAND The End of Bird Hunting In Malta!

  • van: Naomi Dreyer
  • ontvanger: Commissioner for the Environment, European Court of Justice

Malta allows their citizens to shoot migratory birds each spring. The European Court of Justice ruled that Malta had repeatedly and illegally allowed spring hunting to take place. Now, Europe's migratory birds need your support to ensure the spring hunts in Malta end.
Every spring recreational hunting results in the deaths thousands of members of vulnerable species such as quail and turtle dove which travel through Malta en route to their summer habitats. These vulnerable species are protected in other European nations, but inadequate protections in Malta during the spring hunt means they are often targets.
Malta is now the only European Union country that allows recreational spring hunting. It's time to make preservation and conservation the priority in the entire European Union. There can be no exceptions. Not for Malta, or any other EU member.

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