Justice for Mahsa - 6 Year old Killed for RANSOM

  • van: Setara Karim
  • ontvanger: Afghan community, Afghan government

On March 13th, 2019, Mahsa was kidnapped by young men from the capital of Afghanistan, Kabul. Her family was contacted by the two kindnappers via telephone call, who demanded to be paid a ransom of $300,000 otherwise she would be killed. Her father asked to hear his baby's voice. Her last words to her father were "Baba, they are going to kill me." When the family was unable to meet the demand of the ransom, the two young men strangled 6 year old Mahsa to death. Mahsa's tiny body was discovered dumped in a ditch on the dirt ground. Her little neck was covered in bruises caused from the injuries by extreme strangulation. The two men who were later apprehended were given a PRESS CONFERENCE by the police in Kabul. They stated, without mercy, & shamelessly, that they felt their actions to kill little Mahsa were justified because they needed the money. HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT CHILDREN ARE ABDUCTED IN KABUL AND KILLED WHEN THE DEMANDS OF RANSOM ARE UNFULFILLED. DEMAND JUSTICE FOR MAHSA! DEMAND THE EXECUTION OF THE TWO KILLERS!!!

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