Rezone and Restore the Harvey Riverfront

The Harvey Riverfront was once a thriving neighborhood, with popular stores and restaurants along 4th Street. Today, 4th Street is an industrial eyesore with hazardous chemical tanks across from shuttered businesses. But it doesn't have to be that way.

Jefferson Parish is developing a new zoning plan that could transition the Harvey Riverfront from heavy industry back to its original character – a thriving commercial and residential district. Commercial zoning would create more local jobs, increase property values, improve air quality, and result in a safer neighborhood without the constant risks of a chemical fire or explosion.

Sign this petition to show your support for a transition from heavy industry back to a commercial-residential district on the Harvey Riverfront. If you live in Jefferson Parish, please list your neighborhood. 

Stay updated on the new zoning plan at

Learn more about our action-focused group at

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