1 in 5 Animals in This Zoo Mysteriously Died in 2018!

Borth Wild Animal Kingdom in Wales has long been accused of mistreating their animals. Now we know that 1 in 5 of their animals died during 2018, as found by Freedom for Animals. This is a mortality rate that can't be explained by old age or normal health concerns. It's clear this zoo should be shut down and the existing animals rehomed to sanctuaries where they can live out their lives more naturally and well cared for. 

Sign on if you want Wales to finally shut down this abusive zoo!

The zoo started gaining notoriety when a lynx escaped and was gunned down. Then, another lynx was somehow strangled to death during a move. It seems things went wrong when new owners acquired the zoo - a volunteer accused them of neglect and keeping animals in improper conditions. 

Tortoises, meerkats, primates, and crocodiles are just some of the animals that have lost their lives at the horrible zoo. Post mortems were not done on every animal, but of the ones that were, some of them choked on materials they should never even have had access to, like glass and cable ties! Emus were strangled to death and the critically endangered northern bald ibis died after getting tangled in netting.

The truth is clear: this zoo is a dangerous death trap to every animal that lives there. Only one solution will solve the problem: shut down the zoo and get every single animal to a reputable sanctuary. Please sign on to make it happen.

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