NO Contracting out! Support CUPE 926

  • van: Garry Potter
  • ontvanger: Max Blouw President Wilfrid Laurier University

We the undersigned believe that the possible penny pinching gains of contracting out are not worth the risks to the health and safety of WLU students, staff and faculty. We further believe that the senior bureaucracy should show a greater appreciation of the loyal and hard working custodial staff. They should instruct the negotiating team to offer CUPE 926 members a just contract. Please indicate when you sign this petition whether you are a student, parent of a student, alumni, staff member, faculty or other member of the Laurier community.

We the undersigned believe that the possible penny pinching gains of contracting out are not worth the risks to the health and safety of WLU students, staff and faculty. We further believe that the senior bureaucracy should show a greater appreciation of the loyal and hard working custodial staff. They should instruct the negotiating team to offer CUPE 926 members a just contract. Please indicate when you sign this petition whether you are a student, parent of a student, alumni, staff member, faculty or other member of the Laurier community.

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