Pass Florida's Animal Rescue Act - Stop Killing Innocent Animals

  • van: Jane Pytel
  • ontvanger: Florida State Senate; Florida State House, Florida Senator Joseph Abruzzo

Every month tens of thousands of innocent shelter animals are put to death with no attempt made to save them.  A recent statewide survey of rescue groups in Florida found that 63% of non-profit animal rescue groups have had at least one public shelter refuse to cooperate with them only to turn around and kill they very animals the groups were willing to save.

The Animal Rescue Act, if passed, would effectively put an end to the arbitrary killing of tens of thousands of pets by making it illegal for shelters to kill these animals when rescue groups and shelters are willing to save them.  It would also make illegal for public shelters to kill owner surrendered animals as soon as they arrive.  Under this Act, if an agency, a shelter, or a rescue group indicates a willingness to take possession of the animal, the animal may not be euthanized.

Please take action now to pass the Florida Animal Rescue Act.  Your support could save the lives of tens of thousands of innocent shelter animals.

For a more detailed action plan, please visit our website.

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