Get Katherine Mcnamara As Batgirl #GetKatherineAsBatgirl

Please Sign my petition to get Katherine McNamara as Batgirl in her Own Batgirl Movie.
Why you might ask? Well because Katherine McNamara is a Super Talented Actress,She's Immeasurably Intelligent,Crazy Cute,an Absolutely Kind Person, is Kick-Ass from here to Sunday and is someone who is Deserving of this Role of a Lifetime & I know she would do This Role Justice(Pun Intended).
You can Follow Katherine's Awesomeness on her Social Media:
Snapchat= kat.mcnamara 
Instagram= @kitkatsmeow
Twitter= Kat_McNamara
Facebook= OfficialKatherineMcNamara

You can also Help Me by Tweeting the Hastag: #GetKatherineAsBatgirl to help spread the Word,Thank You.

Dear Joss Whedon & Warner Bros. Pictures;DC Comics

Please acknowledge the Stupendous Talent of Katherine McNamara and offer her the role as Batgirl in your Upcoming Superhero Blockbuster Batgirl Movie.

Thank You

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