A former youth pastor at a conservative Mesquite church accused of raping a teenager for more than a year pleaded guilty Friday in Dallas County to three counts of sexual assault of a child. Steven Aaron Winn, 34, was sentenced to four years on each count as part of a plea deal, with the prison terms to run concurrently. He had faced up to 20 years behind bars on each count. Days after Winn's arrest, his father was arrested on one count of sexual assault of a child. A church member told police that Larry Allen Winn, 76, had raped her three years earlier, when she was 16. The elder Winn ran the bus ministry at Open Door, providing children rides to and from church services and Sunday school.
That case is still pending. Larry Winn is free on $25,000 bond.
Additionally, the church's then-pastor, 71-year-old Robert Arnold Ross, was arrested on charge of failure to report the abuse.
Police say Ross learned about the allegations against Steven Winn more than two weeks before police did and did not tell authorities.
That case, too, is pending, and Ross is free on $2,500 bond. He is no longer the pastor at Open Door.

The sentence Mr.Winn received was NOT justice . The fact that  two out of three of the  men are out on bond is NOT OKAY . 

Many former members of the church are speaking out and confirming that this church has a long history of hiring monsters just like these men ..
that is why I have made this petition to close the doors of open door baptist church for GOOD.

Please bring awareness , stand up , and end this horrible
Place .  

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