20,000 Chicks Gassed to Death on an Airport Tarmac

A Belgian exporter's negligence spelled the end of 20,000 innocent lives.

Last week, an animal exporter prepared a shipment of 20,000 chicks and left them on the tarmac of Brussels Airport. When their flight to the Democratic Republic of Congo was canceled, the exporter ignored calls to take responsibility for their live cargo and refused to return to rescue the chicks.

The baby hens were left cramped in small crates and under the burning Brussels sun. An animal welfare agent called to the scene noted that the birds had no food or water. Which raises the question, "Were the chicks expected to endure a long flight with no food or water?"

Was the exporter sending so many chicks because they knew only some of them weren't going to survive? A vet finally decided the "best" thing to do was to gas the remaining survivors -- a decision that was even contested by the airport fire department which refused to do so. The birds were finally and tragically put to rest when a fire department from a nearby town complied with the vet's request and pumped carbon dioxide into the chicks' container.

The exporter responsible for this horrible act of cruelty must be held accountable. They showed blatant disregard for the well-being of their animals from minute-one. These chicks never really stood a chance.

Please sign the petition and ask that the Belgian government take action and prosecute the firm for animal cruelty.
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