Ban critic Cole Smithey from Rotten Tomatoes for abuse of the system.

    Until December 10, 2017 the movie Ladybird had a perfect score of 100% making it one of the highest rated movies on the website. However, notorious film critic scored uploaded a review that was categorized as "Rotten." If Cole Smithey genuinely disliked the movie, that is perfectly understandable. People are entitled to their own opinion.

    However, Smithey's review was curiously a B- which would be considered a passing grade by any other standard. In addition, the other movies Cole Smithey gave a a B- (the Ghostbuster reboot, The Neon Demon, among others) all were uploaded as "fresh." If this seems suspicious, it's because Cole Smithey didn't actually think the movie was "bad," he only did so because he didn't think Ladybird deserved it's 100% score.

    Rotten Tomatoes isn't meant to reflect one critic's score however, even the "Smartest Critic in the World" as Smithey has declared himself. It's meant to reflect the overall consensus of thousands of film and television critics around the world. What Cole Smithey did was a blatant violation of the integrity of Rotten Tomatoes and thus RT should remove the review, ban Smithey from their website and restore it's rightful 100% score.

    Smithey changing the review grade from a B- to a C+ is not enough. RT has banned a film critic for giving a negative review for The Dark Knight Rises after he admitted to not actually seeing the movie. It is completely unfair for a website to allow a contrarian troll to manipulate a movies score however minor. Smithey does not deserve to be considered a legitimate film critic and as such he should not be allowed to be on a website for professional critics.
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