Save the Swift. Stop stocking invasive trout!

The Swift River is a tail water river that flows from the depths of the Quabbin Reservoir.  The stable flows and temperature make it the perfect habitat for native brook trout. However, the Swift River is currently being stocked with non-native Rainbow Trout that compete with the Brook trout for food and space.  The Swift River is under fly fishing and catch and release only laws that allow the fish to grow to staggering size, but only the invasive trout thrive. the invasive fish are stocked at twelve to sixteen inches and quickly overtake the immature native fish. If stocking of the invasive trout were stopped then the Swift River would have the potential to become one of the best Brook Trout rivers in New England, and could produce wild Brook Trout over twenty inches. We need your help to save the Swift River and it's native Brook Trout.

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