Tell Shop Rite to stop the cruelty to Lobsters

  • van: Angela R
  • ontvanger: ShopRite executive team

While shopping at Shop Rite supermarket I found a very disturbing and sad sight of cramped live Lobsters with bands that bound their claws displayed in a tank for purchase and then as is known be boiled alive for a very painful three long minutes that takes for them to die.

Dr. Robert Elwood a professor of animal behavior at Queen’s University Belfast who has studied crustaceans for decades has demonstrated that these animals can feel pain. If left alone lobsters can live to be more than 100 years old. They recognize other individual lobsters remember past acquaintances and have elaborate courtship rituals. Researchers who study lobsters say that their intelligence rivals that of octopuses—long considered to be the world’s smartest invertebrate. Lobsters are amazingly smart animals. Lobsters have highly developed systems of both smell and taste and use complicated signals to continually determine any changes in their home environment.
Confined Lobsters may suffer from low oxygen levels and stress .

Animal cruelty is not an option and will not be tolerated. Compassion shows goodness of character.
I hope you agree and remove all the tanks within your supermarkets right away.

Update #47 jaar geleden
Than you to all of you that have supported the cause to spot the horrendous treatment and painful future death of captive Lobster in tanks that are for sell !!! Oly 40 more signatures to go before I can send all your valuable signatures to Shop Rite supermarket. Please continue to share and RT the petition , we are almost there!!!
Update #37 jaar geleden
Almost 700 signatures but still 300 to go !!
I thank you all and everyone of you for your great support. Please keep asking all your family and friends to sign the petition.
It is a heart breaking seeing this animals suffering !!
Update #28 jaar geleden
Just a quick update. I see we are close now to 550 signatures. If you could all share this petition around again and again and again to get Shop Rite supermarket to stop this barbaric and inhumane act to the Captive Lobsters.
Thank You!!
Update #18 jaar geleden
We have 205 out of 1000 signatures . Thank you for your support. Please continue helping with the cause to stop cruelty to the Lobsters; RT,contact your friends and post on your fb the petition.
Thank you again.
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