Springfield Vermont Demands A Strong No Loitering Law

The town of Springfield Vermont is being over run with drugs and violence . We have had enough to many stores and restaurants are being targeted and robbed and not enough police to help. The last couple years and with in the last couple weeks people have been scared , harrassed, shot, and beaten with bats. Enough is enough we want our town back and we will stop at nothing to accomplish this . We are taking back our town and making it safe for our kids and families to walk and feel safe.

We are sending out a message that we will not put up with anyomore drugs being sold on our streets in our town around our family and friends . We are asking for a strong loitering law and we intend to enforce it with every man woman and child. Vermont is a state for family and friends comrodery, peace, security and safety and now its gone. So when people feel the need to carry weapons in a small town because now the drugs are so rampid and they cant walk the streets and our kids are growing up in and around this thats when we say enough is enough!!!

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