Americas Ranchers: Pull Yourself up by Your Own Bootstraps

Since the 1800's Americas Ranchers have been grazing sheep and cattle on Federal and State property, at a very reduced prices. Ranches often sell with the accompanying gift of grazing rights on thousands even millions of federal and state acres, not reflecting the true value of their property. These taxpayer owned grazing land rights are often passed on with gentlemans agreements between ranchers and State and Federal agencies, for a very small amount of money.

Since wolves have been recebtly reintroduced to many federal lands these same ranchers want our tax dollars to go toward killing wolves to protect their sheep and cattle. We cannot afford to give them this land at a cheap rate and then turn arround and protect their cattle from these beautiful natural predators that range the forests and mountains. If we continue to kill wolves for these ranchers we should charge them for our services. But I say we should pass a law that requires Americas ranchers to protect their own cattle, if they are going to graze them on public land!

Pass a law and make Americas ranchers pull themselves up by their own boot straps and protect their own animals, we are tired of paying for it!

Please congress, pass legilation making it a requirement for ranchers to protect their own cattle and sheep that are grazing on taxpayer owned land and charge the true and real price of grazing on taxpayer land. If you do this, three things will happen: 1. Our taxpayer dollars will not be spent on killing wolves! 2. Ranches will sell at local prices that truly reflect the value, pus the added value of grazing rights on Federal and State lands. 3. Mass trapping and cruel helecopter slaughter of wolves at taxpayer expense will cease. There will be no more stand offs between Americas ranchers and Federal Agents because the rules will appy evenly to all! This will ultimately solve the wolf protection problem in America today!

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