This MMA Fighter Trains by Throwing Cats. He Should Be Banned From Competing.

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: International Mixed Martial Arts Federation
Albert "Machete" Duraev is the world's 59th best Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) middleweight but despite his title and muscular physic it seems he would rather pick on helpless little cats.

Earlier this month a video hit the internet showing "Machete" and a friend (also assumed to be an MMA fighter) tossing a grey cat back and forth more than 10 times while "training."

By the end of this cruel game of feline catch, Duraev, 29 and his fellow cat tosser were throwing the poor cat so far and high that it was wildly doing flips in the air. The whole ordeal looks terrifying and the cat was helpless to do anything to get away.

People are outraged that this bully and his friend could think their actions were funny and harmless. Their behavior isn't sportsmanlike nor does it represent the values of the MMA - a sport which pits two supposedly equal up against each other to see who is the best fighter.

In a match between a cat and a full grown man, we already know the answer.

The MMA should ban Mr. Duraev and his friend from ever competing in MMA again. If he wants to use violence against a fellow fighter in the ring that is one thing, but using violence against a helpless kitten is another.

Sign the petition and let's get Albert out of the ring!
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