Shnappy the Giant Turtle Was Beloved. Now Locals Fear Poachers Have Killed Him to Become Soup.

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Staten Island authorities
Shnappy the huge snapping turtle is beloved in Staten Island, New York. Weighing around 50 pounds, officials estimate he's been alive for around 50 to 75 years. His lover and mate is another large snapping turtle, a female named Jeffrey. The two giant turtles like to hang out in the Cloves Lake Park and have become local fixtures.

But now, both animals are missing. And locals are extremely concerned they may have been poached - and turned into soup.

Sign the petition to demand Staten Island authorities find Shnappy and hold responsible anyone who may have hurt him or Jeffrey!

Locals have been speaking out, sharing how important these two turtles are to the community and even to tourist-based businesses. An employee with the Stone House restaurant said: "They were part of our life, part of the Stone House." Another said: "Jeffrey has been here, like, forever." Apparently, anyone - including a poacher - "would have known who [she] was."

These giant turtles had every right to live out the rest of their days to the fullest, swimming off the coast of New York and lounging in the Staten Island parks. Instead, it's possible they may have faced the worst kind of murder and death. We can't just turn a blind eye!

Staten Island authorities must ensure Shnappy and Jeffrey are safe - and if they're not, then authorities must hold any wrongdoers accountable! Sign the petition now!
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