End Cruel Canned Exotic Animal Hunts in Texas

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Texas Governor Greg Abbott
What happens just two hours outside San Antonio isn't about conservation of exotic animals. It isn't even particularly sporting.

What happens at the Ox Ranch — and at sites across Texas — is nothing less than a staged exotic animal slaughter for the mega-rich.

Right now, would-be "sportsmen" from fly into the Lone Star State and pay tens of thousands of dollars for the opportunity to kill exotic animals at largely unregulated facilities like Ox Ranch. Exotic — and sometimes imperiled — animals like African bongo antelope, black wildebeest, and sitatunga antelope are tracked across a fenced-in area and killed.

But these "hunts" aren't just unfair and cruel, they also reinforce the dangerous myth of sport hunting's importance in conservation — an idea that has come under increased scrutiny in recent years.

That is why Care2 is calling on Texas Governor Greg Abbott to place an immediate moratorium on new exotic hunting facilities and to direct the the state's Attorney General investigate violations of Texas's animal import laws anti-cruelty.

Add your name now and lend your voice to the fight to end cruel, canned hunts.
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