Do You Choose Life Or Death? Save The Bees NOW!

  • van: Tamara Phee
  • ontvanger: Pesticide manufacturers, formulators, producers, and registrants

Bee health is an growing public concern and more and more attention is being put on finding solutions to mitigate losses. According to the Canadian Association of Provincial Apiculturists statement on honey bee losses in Canada.

"Over the winter of 2013/14, the average level of wintering loss of honey bee colonies (i.e. colony mortality or colonies too weak to be commercially productive at less than 3 frames of bees) across Canada was 25.0% (Table 1). Ontario experienced 58.0 percent winter mortality. When Ontario’s numbers are removed from calculation the national mortality drops to 19.2 percent. This level of winter loss is considered a high winter loss for most Canadian beekeepers in comparison to long term acceptable level of winter losses (15%), as described by beekeepers. The level of winter loss varied among provinces, regions within each province and from beekeeper to beekeeper within each region."

We don't think about the tiny honeybee very often. But it's quickly making big headlines around the world! The honeybee is the cornerstone of the environment and is critical to our food supply around the world. Scientists from the U.S.A. to France and Spain and all the way to U.K. and China are trying to solve the mystery of what's causing the disappearance of the honey bee. Your help is needed to help our pollinators. Corporate and individual donations are very much appreciated ... and we need you to help Save Our Bees. All funds (100%) donated to Save our Bees are deposited into the Canadian Bee Research Fund, a registered charity that distributes funds for bee health research.

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