Let the People Know. Stop the holocaust. Stop the eradication of America’s Wild Horses

  • van: Diane McEvoy
  • ontvanger: National Television News Departments and Print Media

The holocaust is here. Our wild horses are being systematically eradicated by both the BLM and the efforts of those politicians who support the Wild Horse Oversight Act of 2014, H.R. 5058, If passed, HR 5058 “would take jurisdiction from the Bureau of Land Management and give it to the states and Indian Tribes to implement their own management plans for wild horses.” It would give the states free rein in capturing and sending our American Icons to slaughter in Canada or Mexico.

Advocates are aware the dire situation the Wild Horses are in; the general public is not. It is essential that this horror be stopped before there are no Wild Horses remaining in these United States. The best way to educate the public is through the news media.  

We are asking you to sign this petition. We are pleading with those in the news departments of National Televsion stations and in the print media. They must do stories as soon as possible on how the herds of Wild Horses are being decimated.  There is no time. Americans across this County need to know the truth so that they, too, can raise their voices in protest.

Stop the holocaust. Stop the eradication of America’s Wild Horses.












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