Demand an End to Climate Change and the Environmental Problems Facing Us All Now!

At this point the entire planet is facing potential disastrous environmental consequences. We can all point fingers in many different directions or we can work together to find a solution. Last year the first commercial carbon removal plant opened in Zurich, the Climeworks carbon capture plant. It is over 1,000 times more efficient at removing carbon dioxide than photosynthesis. Large oil companies such as Chevron, BP, Shell, Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, ExxonMobil and China National Petroleum among many others are directly responsible for some of the climate effects we are having which will continue to escalate. Automobile manufacturers such as Tesla, Ford, Dodge, Chevy, Kia, Audi, BMW, Mercedes, and many more. Airline companies such as Delta, Alaska Airlines, Hawaiian Airlines, Jet Blue, Lufthansa, Allegiant Airlines, Frontier Airlines among others as well are also directly contributing to climate change. Other industries such as coal production and waste management, chemical producers, electronics manufacturers such as Apple and Microsoft are also contributing to this massive anthropocentric shift among many other industries. At this point, all industries and peoples in order to continue our way of life and lay a foundation to ensure a productive and profitable LONG TERM future of all of these various industries, is to ask them to contribute money to help construct Carbon Removal Plants; start legislation that would require a certain percentage of profits of environmentally offending companies be collected and used to construct and operate CO2 removal plants. The wealthiest 10% and Large banks could also be required to contribute such as Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase, US Bank, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, US Bancorp, Morgan Stanley among many others. At this point legislation is needed to focus on the future mitigation and not pointing fingers.

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