Ask psychology today to add consumer review feature to therapist directory

  • van: Sam Nelson
  • ontvanger: Psychology today site directory owners

Psychology offers many things on it's in depth and diverse website. One well known feature is it's therapist directory where an individual can search a number of detailed catagories to find a therapist anywhere in the country. This is a services therapists love as it spreads the word on their practice, and consumers love as it gives easy access to in depth information about mental health professionals they might like to explore further.
To make this directory even more useful we [ propose that a consumer review section be added to the directory where under each profile consumers have the option ofwriting a breif anonymous review. These would be moderated to screen and take out bad/ hateful or defaming language to make them as objective as possible. A system of moderation would keep the reviews clean and would be a source of important feedback for therapists. More importantly it would give consumers a real sense of what the therapist offers, not just from the professional's point of view but a peer perspective. If everyone in the process can keep in mind that this is about providing clear nonhurtful feedback for the purpose of a better experience for consumers and therapists we feel it would go a long way towards making the psychology today therapist directory an even better resource.

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