Punish Hawaiian Couple For Duct Taping Their Dogs' Muzzles

  • van: Slava Radakovic
  • ontvanger: Hawaiian Humane Society, Police Chief Harry S. Kubojiri

These photos were taken by Andreea Angheluta of dogs on the property located in Pauoa who's muzzles were duct taped. The dogs were allegedely muzzled with duct tape after the owners received complaints from other neighbors about their dogs loud barking. The neighbor takes photos and then proceeds to confront the owners who tell her to mind her own, business because "they can do whatever they want on their property." She proceeds to also record the conversation. And goes further by trying to tell them to stop abusing the dogs to which the owners reply with "Hey f------ c---. Nosy b----. Get the f--- out. Mind your own f------ business!" The vulgar antics go on for some time continuing with "Mind your own business. You are a nosy a-- b----!" The Hawaiian Humane Society is investigating the case but no further measures have yet been taken yet. On behalf of all animal lovers on Care2 we are urging the authorities to seek the maximum punishment for this

full news article can be found here


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