Los Angeles River Access, SB 1201

Right now there is no agency working on the Los Angeles River that can answer the question, "Why isn't there a permit required to go to the beach, yet you need one to visit the Los Angeles River?"  State Senator Kevin de Leon introduced a bill, SB 1201, in the California State Senate that would significantly widen access to the L.A. River.

We the undersigned urge you to support SB 1201, introduced by Senator Kevin de Leon, that would significantly widen access to the Los Angeles River.

Authored by Friends of the Los Angeles River in collaboration with the Environmental Law Clinic at UCLA, SB 1201 would amend the 1915 Los Angeles County Flood Control Act - which currently limits the County Department of Public Works' role on the River to flood control and water conservation - to add recreation and educational purposes to its mandate.

The bill would also establish a Los Angeles River Interagency Access Council to be chaired by the Secretary of the Natural Resources Agency to coordinate the actions of state and local agencies with responsibility for River access. 

We share FoLAR's vision of a swimmable, fishable, boatable Los Angeles River.  We urge you to support SB 1201, a crucial step toward achieving this vision.

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