Eliminate Animal kill shelters Nationwide

  • van: Janet Brown
  • ontvanger: Eliminate all kill shelters in the USA

I've live in different states where strays have been brought to animal shelters. The reasons for this have varied. Some are because they are strays. Some because the owners are no longer able to care for them. These animals are innocent and in no way deserving of a death sentence or mercy killing. I read recently the description of how they are brought to be euthanized. They think they are being happily taken out for a walk when they're removed from their cages until they realize where they're actually headed. Then they fight for their lives. None of them want to die. None of them easily die. No one knows what happens to their bodies after. They're just tossed like trash. Kill shelters should NOT exist in this country. That is why I'm starting this petition.
I saw the picture of a beautiful young animal. Her name was Lemonade. She had been euthanized by the time I saw her. She looked like she had not made it to one year. She was happy and smiling and innocent. I would have rescued her had I known she was at risk. She had been put down just days before I say her picture. I promised myself and her I would work toward ending kill shelters.

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