Ban Cyborgs and Nano Technology World Wide

Dear people of the world, 

         I came here to warn you about the greatest potential threat that we will soon see after 2017. It is not something like Robots and Zombies trying to take over the earth. It's going to be the biggest threat that will not only wipe out Humans, but it'll make everything mechanized on planet earth from your average food to your body parts. Don't you find it interesting and awesome? Well you shouldn't be, because what I'm going to tell you will shock you and open your mind.

         Firstly, I would like to thank those people who changed the world and helped humanity with their inventions. We were able to make great breakthrogh in human health developement with the help of machines. lastly, I am going to point out various issues related to technology. Even though there are some problems which can't be cured by medicines nor spiritual healing like missing limbs, broken hands, or any thing that is absent from our human bodies. The only choice we see to cure those things is by having plastic prosthetics and installing mechanical components in our bodies. That's where the problem arises. Mechnical things can be controlled by other people too like hackers. Just imagine how would you feel if you were trapped inside a TV and someone controlling the digital world around you with just a remote. That would be terrible right? Now imagine what will the future look like if all Humans turned into robots for various reasons. The reasons could be anything, but they're still invalid. We can overcome our problems by our will and in other ways. We would be the puppets of organizations in future. 

     Now about the nano technology. Imagine how would you feel when you find out that a lot of people were stalking you and were watching for every one of your single moves. That's terrible right? What if someone had to track you down, so they put a micro-chip inside your body to track you. How would you feel about that? USA government which is very fanatical about freedom, democracy, liberty, human rights, and free speech that actually plans to control her army men and women by implanting nano technology inside the army's brain. USA government would technically be controlling their army with a few computer commands. Isn't that inhumane? It has already began, Folks. The google glass is just the start. People like Neil Harbission pose greatest threat to human kind. He should be decleared as a cyborg terrorist as soon as possible. 

   We have to forbid ourselves from going into certain areas of science or anything, escpecially nano and cybernetics. All I ask you is to consider my examples and think what would be the future. I would like to request all world leaders to ban nano technology along with cybernetics. 

Thank you!

Update #29 jaar geleden
Please don't forget to share this petition with your friends and family members. We have to reach to everyone on this planet. I have created a Facebook page for our cause. Please like it and share it!
Thank you!
Update #19 jaar geleden
Guys don't forget to share this petition on any social media you use. Share it as much as possible. We've to warn everyone about it. Cyborgification and Nano technology has to be stopped. We are living beings, not machines. Machines will never be a part of humans nor any living being. I strongly oppose Neil Harbission's existence.
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