Demand justice for eleven kangaroos brutally killed in Australia and then dumped in garbage

  • van: Georgina B.
  • ontvanger: Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews

Eleven kangaroos have been found brutally killed and then dumped in a bin near Melbourne in Australia.

The bodies of five kangaroos were initially found in a dumpster near a carwash. The carwash staff also reported another six kangaroos were found dead the previous week along with a 45cm arrow.

The car wash owner didn’t notify police when the first five kangaroos were discovered, thinking it may be a one-off incident. However, when the next six bodies were discovered they knew the deaths were suspicious.

Bow hunters may be behind the killings, according to police.

Police are also investigating if the incidents are linked to two kangaroos that were shot with arrows in a nearby area.

We ask for a full investigation into the killings and that the perpetrators are prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

We also ask that the government implements better protection for kangaroos so that these kinds of incidents are prevented.

Please sign and share the petition.

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