Protect Endangered Black Spider Monkeys

"Because black spider monkeys inhabit tropical and subtropical rainforests throughout South America, logging and deforestation are reducing their environment and endangering their species. Although they play a vital role in the survival of their ecosystem, these monkeys are dying out as their rainforests are destroyed. Brazil and other South American countries must lead the charge to save these creatures by designating protected areas to ensure the survival of the black spider monkeys and their rainforests.

As their environment shrinks due to logging and deforestation, black spider monkeys find themselves hunted by indigenous populations. One of the largest primates in South America, the black spider monkey is being hunted for its meat. With their food options dwindling, indigenous people will continue hunting black spider monkeys.

Brazil and its neighboring countries need to establish protected sanctuaries to prevent the black spider monkey’s extinction. Since Brazil has the largest area of rainforest, their actions will affect many lives and hopefully inspire other South American countries to create protected areas as well. Stop this rampant deforestation before another endangered species becomes extinct.

Please urge the President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, to establish protected areas ensuring the survival of the black spider monkey and its tropical habitat."

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