Remove Magda R. Pereira

Through the years Miami Killian Sr. High has been a strong sports oriented school as well as being known as having a strong administration. Recently Miami Killian received a new principal by that name of Magda R. Pereira as a replacement for Thomas Ennis. Since this change Magda R. Pereira has managed to destroy the bond the student body and administration has had. Since her hiring, multiple fights have broken out during school and on school grounds, has had no regard to the student body, has made class leveling a disaster,  and fired a well-known coach, role model and teacher Cory Johnson. Miami Killian Sr. High may not be the best of schools but it is a school filled with pride and heart and deserves better. While understanding the intial fights have nothing to do with Mrs. Pereira, the discipline actions do regard her. A student who fought should not be receiving the same punishment you receive for not serving a dentention. We need an effective principal that takes charge and listens to the student body. We need a principal that's going to make Killian great again and put us back on the map for positive things, not fist fights in the courtyard. Most of the student body would not be able to tell you what our principal looks like, what they can tell you is that since her arrival Killian has changed for the worse. The student body simply wants a better education and high school experience. Miami Killian needs a change and we need that change immediately.

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