Sent a Thank you message to all who came forward to testify in impeachment hearings

    I'm starting a petition because I think America owes a huge thank you to all the greats civil servants who work for our country who were Brave enough to come before Congress and testify In this impeachment hearings. I'm appalled at how President Trump is threatening and discrediting them and how republicans are Not taking what this President of the United States has done over and over to this country more seriously he is putting our national security at risk.. We all owe all those true Americans a great big thank you Please sign my petition to thank them
    And then I'm going to start another petition to send The republicans should be ashamed of themselves for letting this president get away with the crimes and the harm hes doing to America from national security To turning on our alliesI'm standing with the dictators of the worldMy hope is we folk ever Republican out of Office
    petitie tekenen
    petitie tekenen
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