Save Riverfront Park Wetlands Wildlife Refuge from Baseball Stadium & more

  • van: tammy luke
  • ontvanger: N.Augusta SC Mayor Lark Jones, City Administrator Todd Glover, Augusta Green Jackets

Stop the war on trees. We lost 1000s of trees in 1 ice storm this year.The only public land in town to enjoy the river is a beautiful park with a beach & a bike path along the Savannah River. It has a wetlands park to view gators, turtles,big birds, waterfowl, deer right in town. A big strip of hardwood trees will be cleared to build a ball stadium on the riverfront The Augusta Green Jackets already have a home across the river. There will be parking garages, parking lots, a big luxury hotel & pool, apartments,retail space for more junk from China. All this should be built away from the riverfront & wetland ponds. It will be asphalt over an Indian village site. It will heat our environment, not cool it. The gators will most likely be killed, as the riverkeeper said, as some were before. Google Brick Pond Park to see pics of what to defend. It might not show the riverfront side that will be destroyed. Children & adults have physical & emotional needs to be with nature.We do not have relatives on farms to visit. Greedy corporations took the farms.Apartment dwellers are starved for nature, too. There are scenic places, but they are on some one else's property.This is war on poor ppl who cannot afford to travel to scenic places. People were arguing in court that this is not blighted land. It will be blighted if Project Jackson [google it] continues. We were not allowed to vote on it. This is all about the money, not whats good for ppl or the planet. Need quick signatures before tree clearing. Share it please.

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