Tell the My Pillow Guy: "Pay the $5 million you promised for being proven wrong about election fraud."

Mike Lindell, the founder of My Pillow, and one of the loudest 2020 election deniers, promised to pay $5 million to anyone who could disprove his "data" showing Chinese interference had stolen the election.

Well, somebody did just that. And an arbitration panel (per rules Lindell himself set up) has ordered him to pay the $5 million. And now he's refusing.

Tell the My Pillow Guy: "Pay the $5 million you promised for being proven wrong about election fraud."

Here's the full story (from Washington Post):

"My Pillow founder and prominent election denier Mike Lindell made a bold offer ahead of a "cyber symposium" he held in August 2021 in South Dakota: He claimed he had data showing Chinese interference and said he would pay $5 million to anyone who could prove the material was not from the previous year's U.S. election.

He called the challenge "Prove Mike Wrong."  On Wednesday, a private arbitration panel ruled that someone had. The panel said Robert Zeidman, a computer forensics expert and 63-year-old Trump voter from Nevada, was entitled to the $5 million payout.

Zeidman had examined Lindell's data and concluded that it not only did not prove voter fraud, it had no connection to the 2020 election. He was the only expert who submitted a claim, arbitration records show... In their 23-page decision, the arbitrators said Zeidman proved that Lindell's material "unequivocally did not reflect November 2020 election data." They directed Lindell's firm to pay Zeidman within 30 days."

He made his bed (with pillows) and now he needs to lie in it.

Tell the My Pillow Guy: "Pay the $5 million you promised for being proven a liar."

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